credit committee meaning in Chinese
- To fill vacancies on the board of directors and the credit committee
委任社员填补董事会及贷款委员会职位空缺 - At the annual meeting in every subsequent year , one member of the credit committee shall retire from office
满任离职之委员空缺,应由社员大会选出社员递补之。 - Two members of the credit committee shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the credit committee
贷款委员会应依照董事会指定之贷款政策决定贷款偿还办法。 - Meetings of the credit committee shall be called by the chairman of the committee
贷款委员会会议由主席召开。贷款委员会任何会议之法定人数为该委员会之成员两名。 - Regular term of office for credit committee members is 5 years and they are elected at the annual general meeting